New vid! :D Sorry it's Katie (I know most of you prefer Maggerz), but ALL of my Maggie clips need to be re-rendered. D: For some reason they render all grainy and pixelated, so bleh. Not sure WHY that is, either. >_> Anywhos, enjoy! :3 I'm actually proud of myself for a change! LoL
WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! I finally got the cover and the first page of UNHOLY UNION done! :D And I'm working on the 2nd page now. :3 Anywhos, I also included 2 other Jokachel pieces in addition to those. Enjoy! <3
This is my LAST Jokachel vid featuring Katie Holmes...after this, I'm goin' back to my Maggie. :P I still think you'll find it fun, anyway (or at least...I hope you will xP). Enjoy!
I could've SWORN I'd posted these, but I guess not...oops? If you wanna sub to me on deviantart, that might be a good idea since I often forget to post here. xP They're featuring pics, splices, AND fan art for xxnadsxx's "Dark Humor" (yet again! lol), so enjoy! ;D
Now I KNOW you guys will hate the first splice, but I don't care, 'cause I like it. >:P Mwuahaha. But the other three should appeal to you, so hopefully that'll make up for it. xP I found these ADORAAAABLEEEE pictures of Maggie where she looks like a brunette version of Harley, so I naturally had to play with that. :P Here goes!
Ok, here's some gifs I made from my vids. Unfortunately, I don't have too many of Maggie's Rachel with J in this batch since I don't have many of my old Jokachel vids stored on my laptop anymore. Sorry about that. -_-'
P.S. J SPANKS MAGGIE in this, if that makes up for it! ;0P
Now don't hate me, but I wanted to try a Jokachel vid with Katie Holmes' Rachel. I figured I'd give the "don't hate me" speech since I was nearly crucified for making a splice with her and J last time. xP Even if you hate Katie, please give it a's actually my favorite of my Jokachel vids, and I worked really hard on it. *big puppy dog
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